It’s been a while since I’ve written one of these! Since lockdown has been lifted, we have been showjumping twice and even managed to get eventing (somehow surviving the Aston ballot!) Unfortunately Aston Novice didn’t go quite to plan with Rolo. He was was slightly rusty and found it all very exciting. However we still got another MER under our belt , which is another step closer to our Intermediate dream! 

 Both boys went to the Jays for some BSJA yesterday afternoon, and it was fair to say they were on fire! Mumbles jumped a lovely round in the 1.10 just having an unlucky pole but he felt super and I have really enjoyed getting to know him over lockdown! Rolo was the star of the show, jumping a beautiful clear in the 1.10 and then we jumped both of our first 1.20, and he had such an unlucky pole coming out of the treble, but he jumped incredibly well!

 I am looking forward to getting both boys out to Ely on Tuesday and Wednesday for the BE, Mumbles in the 100Open (our last one before we can finally go novice) and Rolo is the very first to go in the Novice on Wednesday morning!

 Lockdown has been made even better due to my wonderful pony trial pony Mary finally stepping up her work load after being out for almost a year! She is now jumping small courses for the first time in a year and so far so good – hoping to see her teach my younger brother at some events this season. 
